Kamis, 13 Juni 2013

Tugas Komunikasi Bisnis

  1.     A. Verbal communication is a medium for communication that entails talking using the spoken word, such as talking face to face, on a telephone, or as a speech. It is mean if you have product and you want sell it so you use verbal communication to neutralize your product.

For example: you will neutralize your product (cake, chocolate, etc) with other people by talking face to face or telephone.

B. Non verbal communication is the process of sending and receiving messages according to do not directly, it is mean not talking face to face or by cell phone.
For example: you have product. you want your product to know with the other people, so you make advertisement and station of television will show your advertisement.
If you have restaurant, so you make spanduk or brosur to promotion your restaurant.

2.      I want make the product of honey, the name of the product is sweet honey. My product needs slogan, so I make slogan to my product.

It is my slogan sweet honey “Dapat manisnya – Dapat sehatnya”.