Selasa, 29 Oktober 2013

indirect sentence

1. Martin McCann, chief executive officer of Reds said that Reds is proud to have supported the work of over 1,000 relief workers who came forward in Haiti, from over 50 aid agencies, to improve their skills and ability to help Haitians by taking a RedR/Bioforce course. Some improved their skills in water and sanitation, others in logistics and other again in mastering the complexity of project management in emergencies. Through their work, hundreds of thousands of Haitians received a more effective and efficient disaster response.

2. Mathieu said that Currently, US rice subsidies and in-kind food aid undercut Haitian farmers at the same time as the US government is investing in Haitian agricultural development. The international community must abandon this conflicting trade and aid polices in order to support the growth of Haiti’s fragile rural economy.

Sabtu, 05 Oktober 2013

Direct Sentences


As we approach the anniversary of the Haiti earthquake disaster, experts from RedR and Oxfam tell Erika Yarrow what has been achieved in terms of recovery and what is still required o get he country back on its feet and provide its people with a secure and hopeful future.
THE REDR-BIOFORCE training programmed in Haiti providing training and support to aid agencies and their staff following he devastating earthquake the rocked the island on 12 January 2010. the organization, which specializes in training engineers for disaster relief, responded promptly, deploying members, providing technical support, frontline aid workers and setting up a training service to support agencies   and their staff. In the six months that followed, RedR’s team in Haiti delivered training to more than 1,000 relief personnel. The RedR programme is now in he process of winding down activities.
Martin McCann, chief executive officer of Reds says: ‘Reds is proud to have supported the work of over 1,000 relief workers who came forward in Haiti, from over  50 aid agencies, to improve their skills and ability to help Haitians by taking a RedR/Bioforce course. Some improved their skills in water and sanitation, others in logistics and other again in mastering the complexity of project management in emergencies. Through their work, hundreds of thousands of Haitians received a more effective and efficient disaster response.’
The Oxfam report calls on the international community to adopt policies that will support Haitian economic development. For example, allowing Haitian exports, particularly apparel products, to have full duty- and quota-free access to the US would help the country work its way out of poverty. Oxfam is also calling for Haiti o be exempt from the so-called Bumpers Amendment, which prohibits direct assistance to the development of corps such as rice, that may compete globally with US exports.
Mathieu says: ‘Currently, US rice subsidies and in-kind food aid undercut Haitian farmers at the same time as the US government is investing in Haitian agricultural development. The international community must abandon this conflicting trade and aid polices in order to support the growth of Haiti’s fragile rural economy.’

Name : Riani Lestari                                       Npm  : 15610877
Class : 4 SA 03

Kamis, 13 Juni 2013

Tugas Komunikasi Bisnis

  1.     A. Verbal communication is a medium for communication that entails talking using the spoken word, such as talking face to face, on a telephone, or as a speech. It is mean if you have product and you want sell it so you use verbal communication to neutralize your product.

For example: you will neutralize your product (cake, chocolate, etc) with other people by talking face to face or telephone.

B. Non verbal communication is the process of sending and receiving messages according to do not directly, it is mean not talking face to face or by cell phone.
For example: you have product. you want your product to know with the other people, so you make advertisement and station of television will show your advertisement.
If you have restaurant, so you make spanduk or brosur to promotion your restaurant.

2.      I want make the product of honey, the name of the product is sweet honey. My product needs slogan, so I make slogan to my product.

It is my slogan sweet honey “Dapat manisnya – Dapat sehatnya”.

Rabu, 01 Mei 2013


1.      The positive effects of tourism
a.       Tourism creates many good jobs and careers
b.      Tourism can help to protect environments and animal life
c.       Tourism can save cultures and the local way of life
d.      Tourism can change countries – and people for the better
The negative effects of tourism
a.       Tourism also produces many poor and badly paid job
b.      Tourism can also damage environments and animal life
c.       Tourism can also destroy cultures and the local way of life
d.      Tourism can also change countries – and people for the worse

2.      Many jobs can be generated from tourism. For example to build the hotels or other place to stay the tourist, to build the restaurant, and the job to the guide to help tourist around in their destination and many more.

3.      International event that have affected the tourism industry is valentine’s day. Valentine’s day originating from Roma but on the 14th of February each always in commemoration. On the 14th of every couple in Indonesia will give chocolates or flowers for their partner.

4.       I think an object of tourism have positive and negative influence to our countries. The positive     influence is tourist who come to make a change for our countries, we can learn their language and good habits that they have.  Good habits that tourist can take an example and use in our life. They are very  discipline in doing things. The negative influence is tourist who come to make a change our culture and costume. For example in Bali build many bars that intend to please the tourists. Though there are some tourist who like Bali because a beautiful place.

5.       I want to go to at New Zealand because I ever look in television it had cattle ranch country and plantations such as Indonesia, and milk derived from it one of the best quality milk, and it's so beautiful.

Senin, 25 Maret 2013

My experience and my dream

It is my experience

Everyone can feel tired with everyday life usually they will go to holiday in their weekend. So, I want tell you about my experience in BARON beach. I went to there when I holiday in religious feast. The position BARON beach is in Wonosari YOGYAKARTA. I visited at there with my family and my aunt’s family. The BARON beach is very clean and beautiful because it’s not yet soiled. The waves at there are very high about 5 meters.  I felt the wind flow in around me. The sky is very shine and bright. When the afternoon I saw the fisher to came out from seaward with their boat. They brought much kind of fishes in their hand and they will sell with skipper. They did not only bring fish, they brought shrimps, lobsters, crabs, and squids. When the sunset I was sitting in sand and felt a waves come to me. It’s so amazing and can not to forget it. I felt the wind flow in around me. I love BARON beach. I’m not patient to come again at there.

 It is my dream

I have dream to can go to BROMO mountain  in east java. So far I only see BROMO Mountain in television and internet. Ya, BROMO Mountain is so beautiful and amazing. The air in there very fresh and cold. If you want to reach for BROMO you must to climb and walk very far. When you arrive in there you will to spoil with a beautiful mountain. At there, you can ride the horse to turn round this mountain. If I have opportunity and enough money, I’m very want to visit the BROMO Mountain.  

Kamis, 03 Januari 2013

Poin kelima adalah minimnya kualitas fasilitas umum

Poin kelima adalah minimnya kualitas fasilitas umum di Jakarta
5. Rendahnya kualitas fasilitas umum yang ada.

Pemerintah Indonesia sudah memberikan fasilitas umum yang terbaik untuk memenuhi kebutuhan di Indonesia. Pemerintah membangun taman-taman kota di Jakarta, membangun kendaraan umum yang nyaman dan membangun jembatan penyebrangan yang baik, membangun tempat rekreasi untuk warga di Jakarta. Terkadang tempat-tempat tersebut tidak layak untuk di gunakan karena dalam keadaan tidak baik. Contohnya banyak jembatan penyebrangan yang rusak yang dapat membahayakan pengunanya. Taman-taman kota di Indonesia juga banyak dalam keadaan kotor dan banyak sampah berserakan. Tempat yang sudah di bangun sebagus-bagusnya oleh pemerintah tetapi dikotori oleh penggunanya. Seharusnya kita sesama warga Negara Indonesia merawat fasilitas umum yang ada.
Kemajuan kendaraan umum d jakarta iu adalah campur tangan pemerintah untuk memajukan fasilitas yang ada. Di bangunnya bus yang mempunyai tempat penurunan penumpang khusus dan memiliki pendingin udara (AC) yang rata-rata warga Jakarta sudah pernah menaikinya yaitu Trans Jakarta. Terobosan baru dari pemerintah yang awalnya mempunyai fungsi yang jelas yaitu mengurangi kemacetan yang ada dengan membuat bus yang nyaman dan aman. Semua itu tidak cukup untuk warga Jakarta masih banyak warga Jakarta yang lebih memilih menaiki kendaraan pribadanya sendiri.
Banyak yang mengeluhkan Trans Jakarta juga belum maksimal dalam memberikan pelayananya. Bus ini sering kali lama, keadaan bus terkadang sudah tidak layak lagi, terkadang harus saling berhimpit-himpitan didalam bus, dan tidak terhidarkan juga dari kemacetan. Mungkin banyak warga Jakarta yang menaiki kereta jabotabek untuk dapat ketempat tujuan. Tidak terjebak macet, cepat dan nyaman menjadi pilihan kedua yang baik.
Mungkin fasilitas ini sebenarnya sudah lebih cukup untuk memenuhi kebutah sehari-hari. Minimnya rasa memiliki, merawat dan menjaga fasilitas itu yang membuat tempat dimana seharusnya kita nyaman menjadi terganggu.

3 SA 03